16 Tips for a Healthier Life

16 Tips for a Healthier Life

It's not always easy to make sensible and healthy choices when it comes to our lifestyle. It requires dedication and sometimes perseverance, but in return, you'll have a grateful and healthy body and more energy. Integrate the following methods into your life as much as possible, so they become part of your routine.

1. The 80/20 Rule

If you make healthy choices eighty percent of the time, you can eat things that might be less healthy the remaining twenty percent of the time. These treats can bring you joy, and that’s also very valuable!

2. Eat More Plant-Based Foods

Choose unprocessed plant-based products more often. It’s better for your health, the environment, and the animals.

3. Plant-Based Proteins

Add plant-based proteins to every meal, such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, hummus, tofu, tempeh, nuts, and seeds. Or opt for a plant-based protein shake.

4. Eat Mindfully

Preferably accompanied by others, but at least not in front of the TV or your computer.

5. Eat More Fiber

Fiber ensures smooth bowel movements and adds bulk to stool, keeping your intestines active. If you often eat plant-based foods, you’ll get plenty of fiber. Fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts.

6. Drink Enough

This is important because fiber absorbs a lot of moisture, so it’s essential to drink enough. Water and tea, occasionally a cup of coffee. If you find it hard to drink water, add some flavor with fresh fruit.

7. Choose Unprocessed Foods

Avoid products that contain artificial fragrances, colors, flavors, or preservatives and are made in a factory. Opt for pure, fresh, and unprocessed foods in their original form.

8. Healthy Fats

Add avocado, coconut, nut butter, tahini, chia seeds, ground flaxseeds, walnuts, or hemp seeds to your diet and/or take an omega-3 supplement.

9. Supplements

Complement your diet with supplements like vitamin C, vitamin D3, and multivitamins to support your immune system.

10. Meal Prepping

Planning meals helps you eat healthier. Take the time to think about your lunch and dinner for the coming week and make a grocery list to ensure you make good choices while shopping.

11. Choose Organic

Buy your vegetables and fruits from organic farmers as much as possible to avoid pesticides that disrupt our hormone balance. Check the annual Dirty Dozen list for the products you definitely want to buy organic or avoid altogether.

12. Avoid Refined Sugars

Choose natural options like dates, honey, or agave syrup or organic coconut sugar and avoid artificial sweeteners.

13. Adequate Sleep

Ensure you get about 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. During sleep, your body recovers, which is important for, among other things, your nervous system and metabolism.

14. Relaxation

Relax with a book, a walk in nature, or a good laugh with a friend. All of this falls under the essential factor: relaxation.

15. Exercise!

Ideally, exercise for at least 30 minutes a day by walking or cycling, but also vary with cardio, yoga, or strength training.

16. Meditation and Mindfulness

Lastly, mental health is very important to feel good. It’s scientifically proven that daily meditation makes you more resilient and happier. Just like practicing mindfulness, which means being present in the moment with attention.